Family life

WFCM Joint Family Service & BBQ 2017

Theme: “Shelter from the Storm! isaiah 25:4 We give God all the glory for His faithfulness! Indeed, all families in Heaven & on earth are named after God! He sent His Word through various vessels including our children (Vessels of Honour). We were richly blessed by Pastor Thomas & Pastor Eunice Alamu of Hope Assembly…

WFCM Family Month!

Theme: “Our Shelter from the Storm!” Isaiah 25:4 The family unit remains the building block of the Church and society! It’s contributions to the wider community are immeasurable and indispensable. However, it needs to be nurtured & cultivated for optimal. In chapter 24 Prophet Isaiah scanned through the state of affairs in Israel and beyond…

The Honour of Marriage!

We give God All the glory as He helped us to round up our focus on Marriage & family “Love Overflows” today with Pastor Thomas & Pastor Eunice Alamu of Hope Assembly as our guest ministers who spoke on “The Honour of Marriage”! Awesome! Thanks to God Almighty for the deep spiritual work and weather…

Give God His Place at Home!

Beloved, The Bible is God’s Word from Genesis 1 verse 1 to Revelation 22 verse 21! It is always profitable if learnt, understood and applied to life in all circumstances. The Word of God is corrective and creative! It is life giving and life sustaining! We short-change ourselves when we ignore or disobey it. Ignorance is no excuse and…

Make your faith real

We can’t give others what we don’t have. If we want our children to love Jesus with authentic and passionate hearts, we, as parents, must have a living and dynamic relationship with God. This isn’t about being “religious.” It comes from genuinely loving the one true God of the Bible who reveals himself as Father,…