
Every human being is created a worshipper. In the heart of everyone is a ‘hole’ that nothing else but the love of God can fill.

David gave a vivid expression of this in Psalm 42 “As the deer pants after water does my soul pants after you, O God….” Only God can satisfy the spiritual thirst and hunger in every soul and He is not just willing to do so, He is able to and has demonstrated it in His Son Jesus Christ, His word and the Holy Spirit.

Access to worship

WORD FOUNTAIN CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES makes available to the multicultural city of Oxford its environs access to a vibrant Christian family where God’s word is taught and preached, love is shared and personal expression is given to God’s faithfulness in testimonies, praise and worship!
In addition, Christians are encouraged to grow in grace, into the full measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. By the grace of God, we purpose to reach the society with undiluted word of God.

Our aim is to inform, inspire and impart godly virtue as we trust God to bring about the necessary transformation in every life – 2 Corinthians 3 verse 18.

Our doors are open to all as we all celebrate the beauty of diversity. Free tea, coffee, drinks and snacks are shared after service to foster relationship. We are all part of a big family! We drink from the same fountain of life!