The family unit remains the building block of the Church and society! It’s contributions to the wider community are immeasurable and indispensable. However, it needs to be nurtured & cultivated for optimal.
In chapter 24 Prophet Isaiah scanned through the state of affairs in Israel and beyond and testified of destruction and devastation. He saw waste and wantoness until he ‘located’ the mountain of the Lord and staked his life (past, present and future) on God in chapter 25:1! “Oh Lord, You are my God. I will exalt You!”
This was like fresh air filling his lungs! It was like a drowning man being rescued and lifted from the fall!
It is important that every family voice out their appreciation of God’s goodness and recognise His part in their survival and victories! Every family in Heaven and on earth are not just named after God, they need Him to survive and thrive!
We thank God for His unending love and multiplied grace in each family. We pray that our hearts be filled with gratitude to God and one another as we listen to His counsel and yield to instructions without neglecting praying for every member of our families. We commit to making amends and challenging ungodly attitudes and outlooks. We commend each family to God for empowerment.
We face the future together from the ‘mountain of thanksgiving’ to partake of the feast of fat things, feast of new wine, feast of aged wine. We declare that death is swallowed up in victory and tears are wiped from every eye.
The ‘curtain’ is drawn and God’s blessings are ushered in, in Jesus name. God is glorified & we are edified.
We thank God for all that God has in store for us. We appreciate Relationship, Marriage & Family (RMF Team), Positive Parenting Team and Junior Church Team for all that they have put in place to the glory of God!
Happy Family Month!