What a day? What a drive? No test drive – Just ‘as is!’
We had fun and laughter as promised! Good food helped to lessen the ‘weight’ of questions asked and special fruit punch did not water down the answers! We learnt, shared and prayed!
Our children were confident to take part! Our singles shone through with poise and dignity!
Sis Thuli, Sis Irene, Min Favour & Sis Irene made it work by God’s grace. The married were helped as we revisited our journeys! It was good to see some brethren who passed through the ministry and were blessed by it revisit and serve. A fruitful ministry indeed. Greater is in store by God’s grace.
Preparing godly men and women for the honourable union blessed by God. Friends travelled from Nottingham to be with us and stayed back to help us clear up! Time was well managed and nothing planned was left out!
It is official – Oaks of Righteousness is alive and well! We give all the glory to God Almighty!