We give God All the glory as He helped us to round up our focus on Marriage & family “Love Overflows” today with Pastor Thomas & Pastor Eunice Alamu of Hope Assembly as our guest ministers who spoke on “The Honour of Marriage”! Awesome! Thanks to God Almighty for the deep spiritual work and weather…
Beloved, The Bible is God’s Word from Genesis 1 verse 1 to Revelation 22 verse 21! It is always profitable if learnt, understood and applied to life in all circumstances. The Word of God is corrective and creative! It is life giving and life sustaining! We short-change ourselves when we ignore or disobey it. Ignorance is no excuse and…
We can’t give others what we don’t have. If we want our children to love Jesus with authentic and passionate hearts, we, as parents, must have a living and dynamic relationship with God. This isn’t about being “religious.” It comes from genuinely loving the one true God of the Bible who reveals himself as Father,…
“A church is a group of believers in Christ who meet for biblical worship, learning and mission.” Important explanations: A church: Sometimes the Greek word translated “church” (EKKLESIA) refers to the universal church (all born again believers), but more commonly it refers to a local church, which is our meaning (1 Pet 2:9, 1 Cor…