Call to Pray for Nations!

House of Prayer for all nations!!!!!

(Mark 11:17)

Jesus placed so much reliance on His Body & He still does.

I am grateful for those who take the assignment seriously! However, for majority of us, there is room to wake up from slumber!

After we have asked for church building, cars, houses, wives, husbands, children, education, promotion, money, etc. time is over & we need to get back to enjoy the ‘things’ we have received without fulfilling the desires of the Giver of all good & perfect gifts!

At other times, we spend the time to impress with our knowledge of Hebrew, Greek, Latin, English, etc. to ‘dissect’ the Scriptures.

Even at other times, we just have so much to thank God for that we extend the time of testimonies & thanksgiving.

At other times, we just forgot that there are other nations apart from the one of our birth and/or our abode.

May the Body of Christ rise up to its Heavenly mission! Pray for NATIONS!

You may want to consider Operation World –

They have a lot of structured resources that will help ignite the passion to pray for nations. Please pray for those who are behind this & other similar projects.

May the Lord forgive our neglect & hear us as we rise up or bow down to pray!