WFCM 15th Anniversary Celebration Recap

Glory to God Almighty who has blessed us with every spiritual blessings in Heavenly Places

Elohim has ushered us into a New Season & Horizon by His grace!
What He has done will never be undone in Jesus name.

The Storms are over!
They were bespoke & dated!
God has mercifully trained & grown us through them. He gave us sight, wings & strength to Rise Above them!

Our Everlasting Rock has been our shelter from many storms and when He wanted to pour His Divine Nature in us, He ruffled our nest so that we can learn obedience through the things we suffered. He came along to ensure that we did not miss direction or lose courage! He even sent His servants to help & guide us.

All these He accomplished with His Word, in Prayer, in Fellowship and by His Holy Spirit at personal, family, department and corporate levels!

The 15th Anniversary (preparation & celebration) was a CONVOCATION to the glory of God! A demonstration & manifestation of Maturity Per Excellence rooted & birthed in prayer & fasting with every joint of the Church supplying!

Indeed, our weapons of warfare are not carnal but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

Welcome to New You @ New Spiritual Heights equipped with New Sight and Strength!

Congratulations to our newly ordained Minister Opemipo Aje & Minister Babawale Akinpelu. We pray that you be established in God’s purpose and fulfil ministry in Jesus name.

Congratulations again to members of our Board of Trustees, pastors, elders, leaders, ministers, heads of departments, workers, members, our youths and children. We also celebrate our friends and families!

Be admonished from Ephesians 4:24
“And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.”

Go forth in the power of God’s might! Be led forth in peace in Jesus name. Stay rooted in God until Christ returns bearing fruit in the market place where He has planted you and the community wherein you dwell!

God bless us all!