In Pursuit of Purpose!

When you find purpose, pursuit becomes easy! That is why Jesus said, “My yoke is easy & my burden light!”

There is a sense of urgency & a sense of destiny! There is no room for sloth & excuse. Let there be a rising up from within & a going forth from this day even for evermore!!!!!

January 8-10, 2016 Open Gates

“A defining & refining appointment!”

Lord, have your way in ‘My Family’. Let everyone walk & work in the grace that you have released!

Bless the gathering at Word Fountain & Mission Central today! Give unto each instrument double portion of your blessings & on your servant Bishop Stafford multiply your grace & peace as You move through him to bless us.

Thank You Lord for the nation is impacted by your presence & hearts are turning to You for salvation & solution.
Renew, refresh & restore in Your own special way!